Social media has become such a major influence today that those who’ve not hopped aboard that bandwagon may find that their competitors are eating their lunch. The strategies, tools and process for building reputation for individuals and for companies are similar, and intertwined. In his Forbes article “Why Every Employee at Your Company Should Use LinkedIn,” William Arruda encourages companies to provide LinkedIn training to their employees as a strategy for increasing the visibility for the company’s brand.
Perhaps you’ve noticed that at Talencio, we’ve tested the online and social media waters over the last year or so – first with our big toe and now we’re really wading in. In this blog, we’ll share what we’ve done to raise our own brand visibility as a way to encourage you to do the same.
1. Quality content. Talencio has two blogs: one for our clients (the one you’re reading now for the Life Science companies we serve) and one for our colleagues (the talented Life Science professionals who we place.) Each blog comes out every two weeks – so every week we publish a new blog post to our website – and of course, to our LinkedIn Home Page and Company Page.
2. LinkedIn profiles and company page. Each of our staff members is a Talencio brand ambassador; you’ll find a link to each person’s LinkedIn profile on our website associated with their photo and bio.
3. LinkedIn status updates and posting to LinkedIn groups. To reach a wider audience with our job postings, blog posts, etc. we take advantage of the free publicity available to all through LinkedIn’s Home Page and LinkedIn groups. What an efficient and cost-effective way to reach a lot of people!
4. Video. According to Forbes Insight, 59% of senior executives prefer watching a video to reading text. So in April of this year, President Paula Norbom told the Talencio story on video. You’ll find our video attached to this blog – and also on our company website and our LinkedIn Company Page. Video is such a powerful medium that it has been called “the secret sauce for reputation building”.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”400″ video_id=”8LCEqI3XeLw” style=”no-style” position=”left”]
We hope you’ll watch our video – it’s about two minutes long – and see how we serve our Life Science community. And if you haven’t already, we hope that you’ll put these resources to work for you, too, to build your brand.
To learn more about how other life science companies have overcome hurdles and road blocks to meet their goals, contact us directly at 612.703.4236 or email to: Talencio, LLC is the preferred provider of vetted, accomplished professionals to the Life Sciences community.
Forbes Insights. Video in the C-Suite: Executives Embrace the Non-Text Web. December 2010.

Forbes Leadership. Why Every Employee At Your Company Should Use LinkedIn. William Arruda, January 7, 2014.

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