In the past several posts, we focused on tapping into the broadest pool of health technology talent possible. Why? Times are changing and 2023 will be impacted by shifting market conditions impacting risk mitigation, workforce planning, and strategies to attract and retain the best talent. Despite a gloomy economic forecast, we are still in a candidate-driven market. The talent landscape is fiercely competitive. The workforce is exhausted, and companies are pressured to control costs.

What can you do to ensure you have the health technology talent needed in 2023 to meet your departmental and corporate goals?

  1. Expand your new hire talent pool. Remote and hybrid work is expected to gain an even stronger foothold in 2023. In fact, in mid-2022, Gallup completed a survey finding that 8 in 10 people are working hybrid or remote. Companies have realized that physically being at the office is not necessary to produce great results. Be prepared to cast a wider net to find talent.
  2. With more work-from-home or hybrid employees, keeping them engaged is more crucial than ever. Employees need to be seen and heard. Their work needs to be valued and they need to be set up to succeed.
  3. Keep the great talent you have. In a recent survey, 63% of those surveyed would “absolutely” look for a new job if they couldn’t continue to work remotely. The option to work remotely ranks as the top factor in evaluating job opportunities.
  4. Project-based work is expected to gain momentum. With increased focus on work-from-home, more workers are considering contract engagements, including C-suite positions.
  5. Older workers are retiring and re-entering the workforce as fractional employees. These are often highly skilled and savvy professionals. Companies can tap into this talent base to complete critical projects.
  6. Companies who really care about their people have higher retention and productivity rates. Truly caring about your people and partnering with them to succeed individually and corporately leads to favorable outcomes.
  7. 2023 may be marked as the year of Mental Health. The link between mental health and corporate health is connected. Companies must focus on improving well-being, and make investments in employee outcomes. Focus on soft skills such as empathy, curiosity, and listening. Truly care for, and support, your employees.
  8. As a leader, focus on creating a meaningful and inspiring path for career growth and professional development. Keep your employees engaged!

Wishing you success in 2023!


About the Author

Paula Norbom Paula Norbom is the Founder and President of Talencio, an executive search and staffing firm serving health technology companies. She has worked in the health technology space for over 24 years. Prior to launching Talencio, Paula was an executive for several medical device companies, leading accounting and finance departments. Paula covers leadership topics related to employment and health technology.

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