Recent blogs have addressed the importance of quality staff and the importance of cultural fit. So, how do you attract the right people to your company? An article recently published online by Entrepreneur suggests the following critical steps in hiring people that will fit your company’s culture and be able to perform the job well. It takes some serious up-front thinking about what it is that you want your new staff person to do and what factors will contribute to their success, so the article emphasizes the importance of laying a firm foundation in the first two steps.
1. Develop an accurate job description. Include the roles the individual will fill, the skill sets they need, the personality attributes important to performing the job well, and relevant experience.
Attracting Talent
2.Compile a “success profile,” modeled on the attributes, skills, education and experience of the best of your current employees, who are doing that job. You can use this success profile as a way to compare candidates against those known to be successful in your company.
3. Draft the ad based on 1 & 2, above.
4. Post the ad where it will reach your potential candidates.
5. Develop phone-screening questions.
6.Review resumes received against the job description and success profile; and identify best candidates.
7. Screen the candidates by phone.
8. Select candidates for assessment.
9. Assess your potential candidates using a proven assessment tool. The success profile you created for that position will determine what behavioral traits, motivators and personal skills are important for that positon. We suggest using TTI Success Insights administered by Performance SolutionsMN, Inc.
10. Schedule and conduct candidate interviews using a consistent set of questions to provide a sound basis for comparing applicants.
11. Select the candidate.
12. Run a background check.
13. Make your offer.
If your human resources staff has the capacity to handle these important steps well, that’s great. But many companies find that using a partner that specializes in staffing for their industry has significant advantages. For example,
1. Niche staffing firms know the market. Because they have worked in the industry and specialize in it, their expertise is deep, allowing them to stay abreast of trends.
2. Niche firms know the talent and develop a personal connection with talented professionals in the industry.
3. Because niche firms are members of the same community, they treat their clients as friends, not just business contacts, allowing them to respond to the client company’s culture and needs.
4. Niche firms depend on the trust and growth of their clients in order to thrive, so they think long-term. They depend on partnering to support their clients’ staffing needs over time. They know their reputation is at stake with every placement.
At Talencio, we specialize in meeting the staffing needs of the life science industry. We care deeply about the life science community – both our client companies and our talented colleagues. To learn more about how other life science companies have partnered with us to overcome hurdles and capacity issues, contact us directly at 612.703.4236 or email to: Talencio, LLC is the preferred provider of vetted, accomplished professionals to the Life Sciences community.



Recruiting and Hiring Top-Quality Employees. Entrepreneur.

Advantages of Partnering with a Niche Recruiting Firm.

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