After all of the excitement of ringing in the New Year, many of us are looking forward to setting new resolutions and goals to better our personal and professional lives. We strive for healthier practices such as regular visits to the gym, eating healthier foods or making another beneficial change in lifestyle. The New Year brings a refreshed boost of motivation to our lives. However, as many of us have experienced, a long list of lofty aspirations doesn’t normally translate into timely fruition of the proposed goals. In fact, according to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 8% of New Year’s Resolutions are achieved.

So how do we successfully apply this new found inspiration and verve to our work?

We all know what it’s like to eat a big meal when we are very hungry – sometimes we eat too much! We behave similarly when we tackle our New Years Resolutions – we overestimate our capacity and end up quitting. As you think about making improvements, take small bites. It will lead to more success. Look at a month at a time versus the whole year. Business expert, Mark LeBlanc, suggested adhering to a 30-day plan in order to achieve professional goals. This puts all your goals on an achievable time frame, resulting in more concrete attainable success.

For example, make a benchmark goal of being more organized in your work environment. A disorganized workplace adds to stress and frustration while reducing concentration and productivity. Organization decreases stress and results in an increase in quality.

With the increase in accessible technology, setting reminders and goals has never been easier. Use these tools to help with activities such as networking, or self-care tasks and keep focused. The crucial element of this process is to set short benchmark goals. Write down your own specific professional goals and focus on each for thirty days.

If you have interest in setting professional goals such as: serving as an impact player within your company, increasing your staff effectiveness, marketing/branding yourself as an individual; take a look at some of our recent tips and trends and achieve your next 30-day goal.

Other related blogs that may be of interest are: “Do You Have the Goal Line in Sight?” and “Anxious? Don’t Go Down With the Titanic!”

About Talencio: We help the Health Technology community make progress by putting the right people in the right place to solve problems and identify opportunities to move healthcare forward. To learn more about career opportunities in health technology, or to hear how other companies have partnered with Talencio to tap into our skilled professional talent pool, contact us at 612.703.4236 or email. Talencio has been the preferred provider of vetted, accomplished professionals to the Health Technology Community for over 10 years.

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