Welcome to the forefront of transformation in health technology and human capital! Our 2024 articles are dedicated to uncovering the latest trends in Talent Acquisition, equipping you with tools to propel your business forward, whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, executive or startup founder.

The Talent War Rages On

The battle for top talent is far from over. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a staggering 77% of organizations have struggled to fill full-time positions in the last year. This ongoing challenge necessitates innovative and creative recruitment strategies.

Spotlight on Candidate Experience

In today’s spotlight, we explore the candidate experience, a critical factor in attracting and retaining top talent. Standing out as an employer means building a compelling employer brand and understanding what motivates candidates. Here’s how organizations can elevate their candidate experience in 2024:

  1. Streamlined Application Process
    • Fast and Efficient: According to a SHRM report, 37% of organizations are simplifying their application processes. With 78% of candidates expecting job applications to take less than 30 minutes, efficiency is key.
  2. Appropriate Communication
    • Stay Connected: Timely communication is crucial. Candidates expect to hear back within one to five days after applying or interviewing. Providing feedback after interviews is also highly valued.
  3. Personalized Engagement and the Human Touch
    • Beyond Automation: In an age of AI-driven recruitment, candidates crave personalization. Generic automated emails won’t cut it; showing genuine interest and value in your candidates makes a significant impact.
  4. Easy-to-Schedule Interviews
    • Smooth Scheduling: Make the interview scheduling process seamless. Whether using advanced software or manual coordination, ensure it is convenient for candidates. Central collaboration tools can aid in this effort.
  5. Pay transparency
    • Openness Pays Off: Transparency in compensation is gaining traction. SHRM reports that 45% of organizations now voluntarily include pay ranges in job postings. In April 2023, 82% of U.S. workers stated they were more likely to apply for jobs with listed pay ranges.

The Comprehensive Candidate Journey

Every interaction and impression a candidate has during their journey with your company shapes their overall experience. Organizations that manage their hiring processes with respect and efficiency build stronger talent pipelines and a superior employer brand, enhancing their competitive edge.

Explore More 2024 Talent Acquisition Trends:

  1. AI-driven recruitment emerges as a dominant force
  2. Remote and flexible work continues evolving
  3. Relocate or resign: a growing paradigm
  4. Data-driven decision-making shapes hiring strategies
  5. Skills-Based Hiring Rises in Importance
About the Author

Paula Norbom Paula Norbom is the Founder and CEO of Talencio, an executive search and staffing firm serving health technology companies. She has worked in the health technology industry for nearly 30 years.

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